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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - blight


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  заболевание растений, характеризующееся завяданием, гниением или прекращением роста (возбудители - грибы, насекомые, бактерии, вирусы) – blueberry blossom blight – celery early blight – celery late blight – crown blight – early blight of potato – fire blight – gray blight – head blight of winter wheat – horsehair blight – late blight of potato – leaf blight – potato blight – rice blight – seedling blight of cereals – southern corn leaf blight – stem blight – thread blight – tomato winter blight – yellow leaf blight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. болезнь растений, характеризующаяся завяданием, прекращением роста, опаданием листьев без гниения 2. насекомые--паразиты на растениях 3. что-л уничтожающее растения или приносящее им вред 4. то, что портит удовольствие, разрушает планы this was a blight upon his youth —- это отравило всю его юность his illness was a blight to his hopes —- болезнь разрушила все его надежды 5. упадок, гибель; деградация urban blight —- упадок городов 6. приносить вред (растениям) 7. разрушать (надежды); отравлять (удовольствие и т. п.) 8. разрушаться; портиться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) болезнь растений (выражающаяся в увядании и опадании листьев без гниения)  2) насекомые-паразиты на растениях  3) душная атмосфера  4) вредное, пагубное влияние  5) упадок; гибель  6) уныние; разочарование; подавленность, мрачность  2. v.  1) приносить вред (растениям)  2) разбивать (надежды и т.п.); отравлять (удовольствие) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  трущобы, руины, дома, пришедшие в упадок ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 any plant disease caused by mildews, rusts, smuts, fungi, or insects. 2 any insect or parasite causing such a disease. 3 any obscure force which is harmful or destructive. 4 an unsightly or neglected urban area. --v.tr. 1 affect with blight. 2 harm, destroy. 3 spoil. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1578  1.  a. a disease or injury of plants marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (as leaves and tubers)  b. an organism (as an insect or a fungus) that causes ~  2. something that frustrates plans or hopes  3. something that impairs or destroys  4. a deteriorated condition urban ~  II. verb  Date: 1664  transitive verb  1. to affect (as a plant) with ~  2. to impair the quality or effect of the condition that has ~ed his son's life — Patricia Guthrie  intransitive verb to suffer from or become affected with ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (blights, blighting, blighted) 1. You can refer to something as a blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things. This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America... Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty. N-VAR: usu with supp 2. If something blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them. If something blights an area, it spoils it and makes it unattractive. An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground. ...a strategy to redevelop blighted inner-city areas. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. Blight is a disease which makes plants dry up and die. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an unhealthy condition of plants in which parts of them dry up and die 2 something that makes people unhappy or that spoils their lives or the environment they live in  (Her guilty secret was a blight on her happiness. | the blight of poverty) ~2 v to spoil or damage something, especially by preventing people from doing what they want to do  (a disease which, though not fatal, can blight the lives of its victims | a country blighted by poverty) - blighted adj  (blighted hopes) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1611, origin obscure, perhaps from O.E. blжce, blжcрu, a scrofulous skin condition and/or from O.N. blikna "become pale." First used of agricultural diseases; figurative sense of "anything which withers hopes or prospects or checks prosperity" is from 1852. The verb in this sense is from 1712. Hence slang blighter (1896) "contemptible fellow," but often jocular. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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